Vortex Laser Reiki Healing

Vortex Laser Reiki Healing

Vortex Laser Reiki is a high quality energy and a wonderful tool for healing and balancing your meridians and chakra systems.

This Reiki system is also a powerful clearing energy for all your energy field bodies. The Vortex Laser Reiki will flow very fast like as the laser and spin like a spiral (Vortex). The energy that flows like this (Fast and Spinning) will be very effective to clean energy channels (meridians). They help strengthen and support all your energy bodies. Simultaneously they may also help you to energetically resolve unresolved “issues” in your life.

Vortex Laser Reiki is very effective to heal all kinds of diseases but will be more effective on all of these conditions and on a wide arena of less physical based diseases such as mood swings, emotional crises, anger, mental illness, depression, tension,anxiety, trauma, feelings of not being good enough, feelings of being unworthy,sexual dysfunctions, sexual abuse, jealousy, self esteem issues, phobias,dogmas, being stuck, grief, loss, betrayal, self sabotage, and fear of success and fear of failure resulting in financial problems. Even having a lack of money ora poverty consciousness are conditions, which can be healed.

Benefits of Vortex Laser Reiki :
* Heals and cleanses
* Reinforces the positive aspects of the physical, mental and energetic planes.
* Increases the healthy flow of energy and mastery of energy.
* Enhances your positive relationship with the universe, resulting in improved harmony and balance.
* Develops enhanced healing, regeneration.

💕Healing is not intended to replace the services of a trained health professional or to be a substitute for medical advice from doctors.
💕After purchase, please contact me with the following information: Your name, city where you live and your preferred time and date for a distance healing session.
💕Distance Healing 60 min.💕
For me $16 
For the whole family $49 

💕 Paypal. Pay here  > select the personal tab>
💕Arranging Distant Healing for Others:💕

I am often asked about arranging a distance healing session for someone else. It might be a loved one (spouse, parent, child, etc) or someone that you have heard about that you would like to gift this to. This is a wonderful offering. Unlike some other healing modalities, the distance healing does not need to be permission based. So, it is absolutely possible to arrange for a distance healing session for someone you care about without their permission. If you would like to tell them that you are arranging this for them, then I can contact them via e-mail to set up a specific time for the distance healing session. If you are giving this to them anonymously, you and I will arrange for the session and I will communicate with you about when I have it completed. Healing time varies from person to person.

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