Zenith Omega LevelsTM
There are Six Levels in Zenith Omega™~
The Aura Flush is a very gentle, cleansing energy that sweeps through the aura and clears it of negative energy and thought-forms. It is activated by intention and is an easy way to clean the aura and keep it bright and healthy.
The Aura Flush makes cleansing the aura simple.
Benefits include:
1. Improved sense of happiness and well-being.
2. More physical and emotional energy.
3. Release of negative thought-forms that are creating problems in life.
- distance Aura Flush and free attunements
- manuals
- you can pass this wonderful energy onto others!!
The manuals will be sent to you by email to save trees and the planet.
Aura Flush and Attunement 2 hours distance session
$29.00 π Paypal. Pay here
$29.00 π Paypal. Pay here
White Dove Reiki Attunement
After the receiving your White Dove Reiki Attunement, you may feel a little light headed, experience shaking in your hands, or feelings of being a bit overwhelmed.
Some people feel a warm glow throughout their body for several hours or days after their attunement. Others feel nothing different at all.
Everyone who has been attuned has felt things a little different. Many claim to have felt nothing at all. Rest assured that the lack of feeling something is not the result of the attunement not working. You may not feel the effects right away, but as time passes and you begin your practice of the White Dove Reiki, you will find that the subtle effects will become more noticeable to you.
- distance attunements
- manual PDF White Dove Reiki
- certificate if you want
You will get PDF information before we begin with that attunement
After receiving your attunement to White Dove Reiki, you can then begin passing it on to others through the following attunement method. This method is effective for both hands-on and distant attunements. $25.00 π PayPal. Pay here
After the receiving your White Dove Reiki Attunement, you may feel a little light headed, experience shaking in your hands, or feelings of being a bit overwhelmed.
Some people feel a warm glow throughout their body for several hours or days after their attunement. Others feel nothing different at all.
Everyone who has been attuned has felt things a little different. Many claim to have felt nothing at all. Rest assured that the lack of feeling something is not the result of the attunement not working. You may not feel the effects right away, but as time passes and you begin your practice of the White Dove Reiki, you will find that the subtle effects will become more noticeable to you.
WHAT YOU WILL RECEIVE:- distance attunements
- manual PDF White Dove Reiki
- certificate if you want
You will get PDF information before we begin with that attunement
After receiving your attunement to White Dove Reiki, you can then begin passing it on to others through the following attunement method. This method is effective for both hands-on and distant attunements. $25.00 π PayPal. Pay here
7 Rays Reiki Attunements 7 Angels
The 7 Rays of Love will connect you with 7 Archangels. There are 7 attunements that can be given all at once, or separate. In this case I will give you all in seven days
A lot of love and respect is important to take this sessions.
Archangel Uriel's ~ Compassion Ray
Archangel Chamuel's ~ Adoration Ray
Archangel Zadkiel's ~ Purification Ray
Archangel Raphael's ~ Emerald Healing Ray
Archangel Gabriel's ~ Harmony Ray
Archangel Jophiel's ~ Illumination Ray
Archangel Michael's ~ Protection Ray
Angel Reiki combines Reiki and the Angels. The Angels are called upon to assist with healing. Angels are both manifesters of God and personifications of that power. They generally do not interact with humans unless they are asked to.
Guardian Angels and Archangels so take a particular interest in us humans through assisting and strengthening us.
Angel Reiki will lovingly connect you with the healing power of the angels and with Reiki source energy. Angel Reiki can be used along or in conjunction with Usui Reiki or other modalities.
Angels are messengers from Spirit allowing us to a greater understanding and consciousness to the higher realms. There are angels in religions but angels themselves are not religious by nature. Rather they are beings of light embraced by many religions and spiritual people alike. They have many tasks and purposes to help you with.
Archangel Uriel’s Attunement to the Compassion Ray is a peaceful energy combined with grace and love which finds its home in the heart, soul and very essence of one’s Being. As the beautiful energy of the Ruby Ray permeates deep within the core of your Being, it allows you to find loving peace, a virtue of mercy, compassion and love. The Ruby Ray of Compassion especially rejuvenates the solar plexus chakra.
The primary focus of the Compassion Ray is on spiritual service, love for others, peace and devotion. This spectacular ray will support a Being on an ongoing basis in the many twists and turns in their spiritual journey. From channeled notes, Archangel Uriel says, “in a very direct sense the Ruby Ray of Grace will support spiritual healers, teachers and everyone seeking truths or engaged in a Divine spiritual journey. For it is this love which serves humanity.”
Most emphatically, it will accentuate and radiate spiritual vitality to any Being who seeks its energizing love.
The Archangel Chamuel’s Attunement to the Adoration Ray is relaxing energy which carries its gentle sun-like warmth to the heart, soul and spirit. As this beautiful pink ray meshes into every cell of your Being and purifies the chakras it allows you to move to adoration, a divineness, which you may use in all of your associations with others.
The focus of the Adoration Ray is on love, compassion, gratitude and the goodness of life. It will work to help you in initiating new friendships, repairing strained relationships, generally in getting along with others, balancing current friendships and enhancing on a day-to-day basis interactions with those you come into contact with.
Archangel Zadkiel’s Attunement to the Purification Ray is a calming, purifying energy combined with love of the centuries which enters the heart, soul, and core of one’s very essence of Being. As the loving energy of the Violet Ray permeates each and every cell of your Being and heals the chakras, it allows you to remain in a state of calm amidst the many disruptions which cause turmoil. The regal Violet Ray especially purifies the “seat of the soul” chakra.
The main focus of the Purification Ray is on forgiveness, purification, love and transformation. From channeled notes, Archangel Zadkiel says, “…the Violet Ray totally represents complete love for humanity. It will support on all levels of experiences. Most directly, it will offer guidance and assistance to all those who choose to practice forgiveness.” It will play an important role in transformation from a lower to a higher divine level of consciousness.
Archangel Raphael’s Attunement to the Emerald Healing Ray is a profoundly powerful and fully encompassing loving energy which combines the luminous bright power of the sun with the wholesome based power of nature to create beauty, truth, vitality, wholesomeness, and healing. As these energies pour themselves into your heart, soul and total Being they will work to refine, purify, cleanse and heal while at the same time they will fill your Being with absolute love. The loving Emerald Ray permeates the chakras. It especially activates the Third Eye, which teaches the development of inner vision to intensify the recognition of truth.
The primary focus of the Emerald Healing Ray is on healing, love, humility, flawlessness and purity of heart. Also, it will allow you to better focus on a particular activity to achieve a specific goal. It will heighten creative visualization allowing creative activity to work its way through you into true manifestation in your experiences. It will support you in seeking truth in all you do.
Archangel Raphael, who is known as the angelic healer and whose name means “God Has Healed,” bringer of the Emerald Healing, will participate in this spectacular ritual along with the many Angels of the Emerald Flame, Angels of Truth, Healing Angels, Angels of Raphael and many other celestial Beings.
Archangel Gabriel’s Attunement to the Harmony Ray is a loving purified energy and in its magnificence merges all the colours of the rainbow forming a brilliant white in such a form as to accentuate the Divineness in all Beings. As these energies merge themselves deep into your heart, soul and total Being they will work to perfect, heal, cleanse, while at the same time you will experience love and harmony in the totality of Self.
The brilliant focus of the Harmony Ray is on “trueness” in communication, harmony with Self and with all Beings, purity, perfection and love. Also, it will assist you in developing and utilizing your intuitive ability more fully. It will enhance your spiritual elevation in a manner best suited for you. The Harmony Ray will assist you in the realization of your total potential. It will harmonize all necessary factors which will aid you in achieving your goals.
Archangel Jophiel’s Attunement to the Illumination Ray is a strengthening form of energy which carries its rays of light, love and warmth directly to the heart, the entire Being and to the soul.
As this Divine energy of the yellow Illumination Ray permeates every cell of your Being and purifies and strengthens the chakras, it will assist you in recognizing true beauty in Beings and the Universe. In particular, the golden ray’s emphasis is on the purification of the Third Chakra, the Solar Plexus, yellow in colour, which is the chakra that allows an individual to reach deeply into sense of self within the Universe.
The focus of Jophiel’s Illumination Ray is on the beauty within, the beauty of others and the beauty of life. It will work to guide you along your aspired spiritual path. Its Divine energy will help you to understand and the Divine power of Light within yourself. And it will assist you in absorbing intricate information and in dealing with complex matters.
Archangel Michael’s Attunement to the Protection Ray is a powerful warrior strength-like energy combined with a love and gentleness which fins its way to the heart, soul, spirit and entire Being. As the loving power of this spectacular Sapphire Blue Ray meshes into every cell of your Being and purifies and heals the chakras, it allows you to move to a spiritual Divineness which incorporates love, genuineness, humility, sereneness and perfection of Being into all of your day-to-day activities. This majestic Ray especially cleanses and heals the throat chakra, blue in colour, which is oftentimes referred to as the communication chakra.
The focus of the Protection Ray is primarily on protection, love, faith, and motivation. From channeled notes taken, Archangel Michael says, “the fundamental mission of the Protection Ray is to offer Beings the protection of guided Light on their spiritual journey.” It will increase your ability to face up to challenging dilemmas. It will guide you to reach a path of serenity. It will work with you to assist you so that your daily needs may be manifested.
For that spell, I need your name and DOB
The 7 Rays of Love will connect you with 7 Archangels.
There are 7 attunements that can be given all at once, or separate.
In this case I will give you all in seven days $55.00 π Paypal. Pay here
There are 7 attunements that can be given all at once, or separate.
In this case I will give you all in seven days $55.00 π Paypal. Pay here
Angel Journey Activation Program (7 Attunements)
We all have a team of Angels and Archangels who know precisely what is divinely right for us at all times in our lives. They are Messengers of Spirit and on suggest the right steps for us in order that we might have all the desires of our hearts.
The purpose of the Angel Journey Activation program is to connect you with your Angels so that you on stop feeling stuck in any of your life and experience the unconditional love, compassion and peace and clarity they offer.
The energy of the Angel Journey Activations will bring you confidence in your ability to master your life purpose and plan and achieve success in all areas of your life with the loving and wise support of your team of Angels. Your Angels guide you and are with you through each stage of your journey. Through working with these energies regularly you will develop greater trust and connection with your Angels.
The Angels want you to call upon them as they want to help you, to work with you and guide you on your path. There is no limit to what the Angels on help you with in your life. The activations will remove any blocks, impediments and or ways that you may be limiting the divine guidance they provide to you.
You will instantly experience an energy shift that will help you to get the highest results possible in all areas of your life and path. You will be connected with your angels that want to help you on your great journey so that you do not feel alone and realize that there are answers available to you at this moment and in each moment.
The energy of this system will help you to receive validations and confirmations from your angels about all your actions and decisions as you embark upon your daily path. The energy will enable you to realize divine inspirations that bring you successful outcomes in your life.
These activations will connect you more deeply with your angels so that you can experience direct communication and communion with the Angels. Further, you will have an opportunity to feel the pure love and joy of their presence within you and all around you. You will experience an increased ability to trust your inner knowing. You will know your true divine self and open to its love for you.
There are seven activations included in this healing system:
Angelic Communication Activation: This activation serves to empower your ability to have clear communication with the Angels so that you on use the immense help, wisdom, guidance and support that is available to you always.
Angelic Vibration Activation: This activation will raise your vibrations to the Higher Angelic Frequency so that you can access the clear and positive state needed to connect to your Angels. It will change the energy vibration in your environment so that you experience the benefits of a positive atmosphere which is conducive to inviting the Angels to communicate with you.
Spiritual Gifts Activation: This activation will awaken your innate spiritual gifts, as well as help you finely tune and develop your gifts so that you receive the clearest messages possible from your Angels. Through the activation your sixth senses will be built up in such a way that you are able to communicate with the Angels on your own term s. This will allow you to receive direct messages from your Angels for insight, inspiration, and solutions to challenges you may be experiencing. Clairvoyance will be enhanced so that you can create miracles and manifest a brighter future. Prophetic gifts will be heightened so you can glimpse into the future and open to the unlimited possibilities that are all around you. Clairaudience will be raised to a higher ability so that you can clearly hear messages from the Angelic Kingdom.
Heart Radiance Activation: This activation will awaken your heart center. This is a beautiful, heart opening which takes you into the Angelic Kingdom of love so that you on emit the beautiful Angelic Light within that touches all life around you with the healing energy of Angelic Love. The energy will touch your heart center in such a way that all that is of good, of the Angelic Realms, blossoms from within you. As you experience the energy of the Angels in your heart center you will experience a new level of compassion and unconditional love for self and others. The light within your heart center will grow larger circling into the Angelic Kingdom creating harmony between you and all that is.
Unconditional Love Activation: This activation will reawaken your innate ability to give and receive unconditional love so that you on open to the Angels letting in the love, joy and guidance that the Angels provide to you. This will enable you to receive the love of the Angelic Kingdom which will help to fill your life with joy and great passion. This activation will replace any false beliefs you have about your deservingness to have angelic assistance. These false beliefs will be replaced by a knowing that you are worthy of Angelic assistance.
Emerging Light Activation: This activation will increase the love in your field of energy and all around you. The Angelic Light within you will emerge from the center of your being so that you on know your true divine self and open its love within you.
Archangel Activation: This activation will enhance your connection to the Archangels.Distance Healing 7x60 min.$77.00 π Paypal. Pay here
Ceremonial White Magic 5 attunement
Ceremonial White Magic is purely a manifesting tool to better our selves, accelerate our learning, heighten spiritual growth, intensity healing, telepathy, and awaken the emergence of human consciousness through purification.
The attunements clear the focal points of our macrocosmic and microcosmic etheric centers, in order that the meridians and nadis are cleansed. Karmic patterns can be better understood, so we can move on and change, transforming old energy patterns, created by cellular past life memoires in a way that no longer hinders our life.
In my opinion, white magic is a pure, acting force of purification and healing change. White magic cannot be used to dominate peoples lives or to get back at someone, it can only be used for the highest good of mankind and all living creatures.
Ceremonial white magic acts as a positive, deep influential force, using extra-systemic rays which enter our cosmic ether, permeating our entire being through our higher-self communicating with divine guardians, Goddess's and the use of spiritual tools which you will be attuned to.
Ceremonial white magic is for self- development, spiritual progression in order to intensify healing, to change a situation and awaken our third eye activity (ajna activation). Radiating warmth, love, harmony and peace results from purification.
White magic and only be used for the highest good of mankind and all living creatures. It is for self development, spiritual progression in order to intensity healing, to change a situation and awaken our third eye activity. You will receive the following 5 attunements to this system over distance at once.
level 1-attunement to the temple guardian
level 2-attunement to the unifier goddess
level 3-attunement to the goddess of mercy and protection
level 4-attunement to the vibrant goddess of beauty
level 5-attunement to the whtie magic wand.
You will get PDF Ceremonial White Magic information before we begin with that attunement
You can get certificate if you want it
After attunement you can do Ceremonial White Magic 5 attunement on others
This is an energy distance attunement 5 Hours $99.00 π Paypal. Pay here
Kundalini Reiki attunement 1,2,3
Kundalini means that certain healing channels and chakras have been opened, and you have thereby gained access to the Earth's energy. The Root chakra, which is the energy centre located near the coccyx, acts as an entrance for the Kundalini energy.
The Kundalini energy is also referred to as "the Kundalini Fire." Hereafter, the energy runs all the way up through the body, through the main energy channel, and out of the Crown chakra.This energy channel goes from the Root chakra to the Crown chakra on the top of the head. An open Kundalini means that over a period of time, a complete cleansing of the chakras, the body parts and the energy channels is obtained.
Here you can get a clearer picture of what actually happens during the attunement procedure, as it is the attunement process that is the most important in Kundalini Reiki. It is im- perative in Kundalini Reiki that all of the preparations are completed, before the Kundalini ο¬ame is lit.
The Kundalini Reiki Attunement clears and balances the energy centers in the body. In the Kundalini Reiki 1 attunement procedure, all of the knots/blocks in the chakras are removed (except for the root chakra). The main energy channel, from the crown chakra to the root chakra, is cleansed and prepared for the Kundalini awakening that you will experience.
In Kundalini Reiki 2. The Heart chakra becomes enlarged and the energy channel from the hands to the Crown chakra is opened so that the Reiki energy can flow.
Once the Kundalini flame is lit in Kundalini Reiki 2, all of the main/primary chakras and the energy channels will be cleared and opened.
You will be able to use Kundalini Reiki to:
heal yourself
heal others
cleanse your house
heal the karmic band between you and others
heal and attune animals and objects
increase your energy levels
heal your DNA
heal your past lives
heal any traumatic experience
balance your energies
heal the trauma of birth
And more… Anyone can be attuned to Kundalini Reiki and through the attunement process and individual is permanently opened and connected to the universal energies on a mental, physical, emotional and psychic level. The Kundalini Reiki Attunement clears and balances the energy centers in the body.
The Treatments It is a good idea before treating with Kundalini 3, to ο¬rst do a situ- ation/qualities healing. Then you can go on to try Birth trauma healing, Location healing, Past life healing, and then DNA healing
In this great package of Kundalini Reiki includes:
Attunement 1,2,3 three hours x 3 session.
Birth trauma healing, Location healing, Past Life Healing, and then DNA healing, we must do before Attunement Kundalini 3. 90 min.session,
- distance attunements
- manual PDF Kundalini Reiki
- certificate if you want
You will get PDF information before we begin with that attunement
After receiving your attunement to Kundalini Reiki, you can then begin passing it on to others through the following attunement method.
This method is effective for both hands-on and distant attunements.
$95.00 π Paypal. Pay here
$95.00 π Paypal. Pay here
Angelic energies answer quickly to every call, coming to bring, first, serenity and tranquility.
Then they are precious collaborators for all those situations where we need some help or support.
The angels are many, but in this course we focus our attention on the Angels of
They are 22 in particular, and have specific tasks of harmonization of personality, emotion, psychosomatic disorders, etc.
The 72 Angels attunements
1 Vehuiah
2 Jeliel
3 Sitael
4 Elemiah
5 Mahasiah
6 Lelahel
7 Achaiah
8 Cahetel
9 Haziel
10 Aladiah
11 Lauviah
12 Hahaiah
13 Iezalel
14 Mebahel
15 Hariel
16 Hekamiah
17 Lauviah
18 Caliel
19 Leuviah
20 Pahaliah
21 Nelkhael
22 Yeiayel
23 Melahel
24 Haheuiah
25 Nith-Haiah
26 Haaiah
27 Yerathel
28 Seheiah
29 Reiyel
30 Omael
31 Lecabel
32 Vasariah
33 Yehuiah
34 Lehahiah
35 Chavakhiah
36 Menadel
37 Aniel
38 Haamiah
39 Rehael
40 Ieiazel
41 Hahahel
42 Mikael
43 Veuliah
44 Yelahiah
45 Sealiah
46 Ariel
47 Asaliah
48 Mihael
49 Vehuel
50 Daniel
51 Hahasiah
52 Imamiah
53 Nanael
54 Nithael
55 Mebahiah
56 Poyel
57 Nemamiah
58 Yeialel
59 Harahel
60 Mitzrael
61 Umabel
62 Iahhel
63 Anauel
64 Mehiel
65 Damabiah
66 Manakel
67 Eyael
68 Habuhiah
69 Rochel
70 Jabamiah
71 Haiaiel
72 Mumiah
- distance attunements
- certificate if you want
$35.00 π Paypal. Pay here
PLUS - you can pass this wonderful energy onto others!!
All of the information for the course manual will be sent to you by email
The Two Christa Energy Attunement Levels $65.00 Paypal. Pay here
- distance attunements
- certificate if you want
- distance attunements
- certificate if you want
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