Atlantean Healing for Twin Flames

 Atlantean Healing™ is a very powerful and deep-acting energy healing modality. It has the capacity to address physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual imbalances, as well as clear issues from past lives if these are impacting the individual in any way, even if this is at a subconscious level. Atlantean Healing gets to the root cause of any imbalances, releases blocks, and restores equilibrium.

This high-vibrational energy is that which was used during the golden age of Atlantis for the healing of all and has now been gifted back to the earth at a time when it is needed to support us through this time of great change and spiritual growth.

Atlantean Healing has a considerable effect on twin flames that are already pre-programmed to purge everything that blocks union once they have been activated to awaken and ascend so that union can occur. I have been guided to use the Atlantean Healing energies in a specific way and work with the Atlantean Angels and Ascended Masters to assist twins with their ascension process, as this is what the collective needs at this time to support the reunion process.

The Atlantean energy is very powerful and accelerates the twin flame ascension process. As this healing brings up and clears any blocks very rapidly, you can clear many in just one session. A session can feel very relaxing and gentle at the time, but afterwards shifts and changes will be experienced, and it is likely that some purging will also occur briefly while all that has been released is being processed. This is for the greater good, as the more that can be cleared, the closer to union twins become.

Twin Flame Atlantean Healing is highly-recommended to any twin who has been on the journey for a while and has been doing the work’ and clearing issues as they arise. However, it might not be suited to those right at the very start of their journey due to its powerful effect. You will need to be able to support and hold space for yourself during the integration process so it is for each individual to decide what they are ready for.

Twin Flame Atlantean Healing sessions are unique to each individual having them and can vary considerably as the angels bring through whatever is most required at that time for the highest good of the recipient.

These sessions clear, realigning and activating your light body to a higher vibration to accelerate your ascension process and soul growth and heal your own personal blocks to union that may have accumulated in both this current lifetime and in many past lifetimes since the original separation. Any joint blocks that have arisen between you and your twin from past lives that you have shared together also come up to be cleared as you are ready to release them.

💕After purchase, please contact me with the following information: Your name, city where you live and your preferred time and date for a distance healing session.

For me 1 hour $35
For my Twin Flame $25
Please pay directly to PayPal with the amount for your session
💕 PayPal. Pay here  

#AtlanteanHealing™ is a very powerful and deep-acting energy healing modality  #distancehealing

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