Aura Ganesha Radiance

Ganesha (sometimes called Ganesh) is one of the Hindu religions most popular gods (Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma and Durga being the other four). He is the Remover of Obstacles, the patron of science and learning, and the one to invoke when starting a new venture, business or writing project.
Aura Ganesha Radiance is associated with the Root Chakra, the home of procreation, survival and material well-being. We can use Aura Ganesha Radiance for our home or business to help with removing ignorance, arrogance, illusions and obstacles.
Aura Ganesha Radiance is an amplifier of energy, healing both body and environment; cleansing the chakras and releasing energy, vitality and promise of new beginnings.
Aura Ganesha Radiance is an excellent energy for harmonizing and balancing one's environment.

For me 1 hour $33 For me  3 hours sesion$ 50
For my friend $15
For the whole family $49
Please pay directly to Paypal with the amount for your session

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