Christa Healing This profound healing

Christa Healing This profound healing 

The Christa Healing frees you of all energies that are holding you stuck and preventing you from creating positive changes to your health, relationships, lifestyle and career. This profoundly effective method of healing uses specific Spiritual healing frequencies and sacred sounds to release and realign the energy system at the core level causing vibrational changes that work through each of the bodies and result in physical cellular change enhancing the body/mind’s ability to self-heal.

 These blocks hold us back from achieving success, happiness, love, health and abundant flow in all areas of our life.
As we are freed of the energy of abuse, powerlessness, fear, trauma, unworthiness, and so on, the mind and the emotional understanding can rise to a new level. As the body becomes more and more refined, it becomes purer and clearer and is in greater alignment with your spirit. When we are strongly connected to our “true selves” and flowing with our life’s purpose, we are radiant, joyous and prosperous.

This profound healing method identifies the patterns that are causing imbalance and effectively releases them at the core level. Once the lower frequencies are removed, the natural state of health, self-confidence and inner harmony returns. Lower emotions such as fear, doubt and anger block or break our circuits, constricting the flow of our energy; love enhances our energy circuits and amplifies them, leading us to heightened states and elevated experiences. Christa Healing effectively removes the subconscious and hidden influences that negatively affect you and inhibit your ability to powerfully move forward in your spiritual development and healing process. As you become more aligned with your True Nature, which is Love, you will also re-connect to more of your multidimensional selves and realize greater and greater levels of enlightenment and personal power.

Christa Healing will allow you to move past many adverse situations such as:

Christa Healing
Acute and chronic illnesses
Depression, fear and phobias
Insomnia and sleeping problems
Poverty and limitation consciousness
Dysfunctional and unfulfilling relationships
Sexual, emotional, mental or physical abuse
Adverse behavior patterns and addictions
Unwanted attachments and limitations
Negative or evil influences and tendencies
Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual blocks

During a Healing session you may release:

Energetic Cordings These cordings are similar to long tubes that connect your energy field to the other person’s energy field. Through these cordings the other person’s energy, thoughts, desires, beliefs, limitations, distortions etc. can enter into you. Often, you are not even aware that the thoughts or impulses you are feeling are not your own. Conversely, through these cordings your energy and thoughts and desires enter this person. Cutting these energetic cordings and removing the root system that held them within you allows both parties to be free of adverse influences from each other. All cordings are created as an attempt to “hold” onto others out of fear and confusion. True loving relationships are enhanced when these old ties are released, and of course this also greatly assists getting over old relationships to made room for new healthier relationships in our lives.

Other People’s Energies and even aspects of other people can be held within our energy system. Sometimes we will take on a difficult aspect from a loved in an attempt to assist them to move forward. Other times a vulnerability within our make up or belief system makes us think it is our job to “care take” others at our own expense. During a Christa Healing we release all these energies and send them back to their rightful place.
Entities This term is used for lower frequency astral beings that are not very evolved and feed off of lower nature desires and energies. For example, if people have had chemical dependency problems, these lower beings will attach to their energy field and “feed” off of them whenever they are under the influence. When one is ready to claim back their personal power and be freed from the addiction, it is greatly assisting to remove these beings that have a vested interest in holding you in these old patterns of self-abuse. All entities can be easily and effectively removed from your energy field.

Impressions from Traumatic Past and Present Life Experiences Trauma and emotional distress are lower frequencies that tend to draw more of the same to us, holding us in these patterns. Even if we have mentally and emotionally moved past these experiences, the energy of the impressions of these experiences needs to be released so that we can confidently draw in happier and healthier situations.

Imprints from Unhealthy Behavior Patterns some behaviors are so ingrained within us that there are actual imprints that our energy follows. No matter how much we “think” our way past these adverse ways of acting and being, our mental energy continues to flow into these old imprints and we end up back in the same behavior.

Limiting Belief Systems If we have held a particular belief of limitation for a long period, it also forms an energetic pattern, like a grid-work in the mental body that does not allow us to flow with positive change. These limiting belief systems can be separated out of the energy body and released from your energy field.

                              Healing is a process, not an Event.....

Each healing comes in different duration, the longer the session, the more intensive/thorough and the more blocks/negative energies that can be cleared within your session😇

💕Healing is not intended to replace the services of a trained health professional or to be a substitute for medical advice from doctors.
💕After purchase, please contact me with the following information: Your name, city where you live and your preferred time and date for a distance healing session.
💕Distance Healing 60 min.💕
Christa Healing

💕Arranging Distant Healing for Others:💕
I am often asked about arranging a distance healing session for someone else. It might be a loved one (spouse, parent, child, etc) or someone that you have heard about that you would like to gift this to. This is a wonderful offering. Unlike some other healing modalities, the distance healing does not need to be permission based. So, it is absolutely possible to arrange for a distance healing session for someone you care about without their permission. If you would like to tell them that you are arranging this for them, then I can contact them via e-mail to set up a specific time for the distance healing session. If you are giving this to them anonymously, you and I will arrange for the session and I will communicate with you about when I have it completed. Healing time varies from person to person.

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