The 22 Angels of Healing attunement


Angelic energies answer quickly to every call, coming to bring, first, serenity and tranquility.

Then they are precious collaborators for all those situations where we need some help or support.

The angels are many, but in this course, we focus our attention on the Angels of


They are 22 in particular, and have specific tasks of harmonization of personality, emotion, psychosomatic disorders, etc. Let's see them one by one.


ALADIAH: helps us in starting from zero, as purifies from negativity, and helps the energetic regeneration to all the levels.

ANAUEL: has the principal assignment of messenger, bringing us the more urgent spiritual messages; helps to receive inspiration, promotes logical abilities.

DANIEL: helps to understand in depth the events, reflecting and taking the spiritual meaning of them; messenger of devotion and mercy, promotes the contact heart-to-heart, the harmonization, and hands suggestions that communicate harmony.

EYAEL: his energy is in unity with the Bach remedy 'Walnut', that transmits adaptability, ability of acceptance and transformation; so is a support in the moments of change, bringing serenity, optimism and trust, and helps to overcome the difficulties and the obstacles.

HABUIAH: he's a Cosmic Healer; gives abundance to every level, promotes the expression of the talents through the concrete expansion, and facilitates the projects realization.

HAHASIAH: he's the one that puts us in connection with healing energy, and wellness secrets of Mother Nature.

JAMABIAH: he welcomes and helps the dying ones in the trip between this and the other dimension, and helps us to realize ourselves in every sector.

LELAHEL: thanks to the harmony, to the well-being and the joy to live, his gift is the improvement of the beautiful, to physical and spiritual level.

LAUVIAH: allows the understanding of the situations in depth, the ability in the communication and the correct action to achieve results.

MENAKEL: he brings stability, balance, harmonizes relationships and helps the confidence and sympathy of others.

YEIALEL: helps to refine and sharpen intelligence, and to reach a great inner clarity; he helps the one who develops scientific professions, or with duties that need precision and methodicalness scientific professions, or tasks that require accuracy and methodicalness.

MELAHEL: gives the understanding of cause-effect, balances awareness of universal laws, and the action aimed to achieve positive results.

MITZRAEL: sustains in the transformation, letting go past influences and old habits of behavior. Helps in changing patterns of thought; brings strength, ability, and clarity of thought. 

MUMIAH: helps to reach and to succeed in projects; encourages intense expression of our self, and supports in completing the undertaken assignments.

NANAEL: helps to develop and expand the psychic perception, to acquire and to spread new knowledge.

NITHAEL: he gives harmony, inner peace, serenity, psychophysical and spiritual well-being. Confers the ability to heal.

OMAEL: the angel who brings spiritual and material abundance, happiness, spiritual and physical fertility.

POYEL: gives sensitivity, love, creativity, imagination; favors the self-realization.

REHAEL: gives balance in male and female polarity, yin and yang; hands order, harmony, inner clarity, integrity.

SEHEIAH: bringer of wisdom, prudence, ability to learn their own lessons from experiences.

Protects from accidents, burns, and trauma.

SEHALIAH: he brings fertility, wealth, comfort, hope, prosperity. Assists in the realization of the projects, stimulating the creative energy.

VEHUIAH: bringer of wisdom and love; gives the healing of soul and body, helps in cases of depression, supports new projects.

With the energy of all the 22 healer Angels, or choosing one in particular for the energy that we want to do work, you can:

PDF manual 
How to receive the attunement.
How to relax before a session of healing or activation
After the healing session or attunement
How to pass the attunement.

- distance attunements
- manual PDF 
- certificate if you want
You will get PDF information before we start with that attunement 

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 or let me do the attunement for you. $49 PayPal. Buy Now

If you have any questions, please contact me before your purchase, thank you.

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